Son of Jacob Jennings and Mary Norris Smith
Birth, Marriage, and Death Records
Baptismal Record
No birth records for John. Proposed birth 5 March 1765.
Marriage Records
Married Sarah Hopkins 1788.
Child Records
Mary Jennings (Heighway) 1789–1838LCSF-XYW
Ebenezer Jennings 1790–1791 LCS2-K2B
Ann Jennings (Harlan) 1791–1824 LCS2-TDH
Jacob Smith Jennings 1793–1857 LCS1-BL9
Elizabeth Jennings (Bispham) 1795–1878 LCSB-NJZ
Sarah Jennings 1796–Deceased LCSB-J34
Beulah Jennings (Austin) 1798–1885 LCSB-JBV
John Jennings 1800–Deceased LCSB-VGF
Hope Jennings (Caaig) 1802–1879 LCSB-VTC
Rebecca Clark Jennings (Harris) 1804–1879 LCSB-K3C
Isaac H. Jennings 1808–1881 KH9L-PCVoe
Death Records and Will
Proposed death March 1850.
Miscellaneous Sources and Records
Record Source
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CUSTODIAN Howard H. Brinton SECRETARY Alice P. Allen
At a Monthly Meeting held at Haddonfield the 9th of 3rd Month 1789.
One of the overseers from the preparative meeting reported that John Jennings has been dealt with for being guilty of Fornication and accomplishing his Marriage with the same person, contrary to good order. Benjamin Swett and Daniel Roberts are appointed to visit and labour with him, in order to lay before him the evil of such conduct, and the necessity there is of endeavouring to witness a state of true repentance, and to report their sense of the situation of his mind to next meeting.
At a Monthly Meeting held the 13th of 4th Month· 1789.
The Committee appointed to visit and labour with John Jenings, reported they have had an Opportunity with him; and that he did not appear in a suitable disposition to condemn his misconduct, but the Meeting being informed that the women have not come to a result, respecting his wife; the case is referred to next Meeting.
11th of 5th month, 1789.
The Case of John Jenings coming under Consideration, and the Meeting being inform’d that the women have come to the result’to Testify against his wife, John Gill and Thomas Redman are appointed to prepare a Testimony against them and produce to next Meeting.
8th of 6th month 1789.
The friends appointed produc’d a Testimony against John Jenings and Sarah his Wife, which was read approv’d and Signed by the Clerk, and Joshua Evens and Nathan Lippincott are appointed to deliver them a Copy inform them of their priviledge of Appeal, and report to next meeting.
13th of 7th month, 1789.
The friends appointed reported they have delivered to John Jenings & Wife, a Copy of the Testimony against them, and inform’d them of their priviledge of Appeal, and that they said they should not appeal, therefore J. T. Glover is appointed to read the Testimony at the Close of a public First day Meeting at Haddonfield, and return it to next Meeting.
10th day of the 8th month 1789.
The friend appointed reported he had read the Testimony against John Jenings & Wife, & now return’d it.