William Jennens obituary “Died 19 June in his 97th year, Wm. Jennens of Acton Place, near Long Melford in the county of Suffolk, and of Grosvenor Square, Esq. He was baptized in September 1701, the son of Robert Jennens, Esq., Aide-de-Camp to great Duke of Marlborough (by Anne, his wife, and daughter of Carew Guidott, Esq., lineally descended from Sir Anthony Guidott, Knight, a noble Florentine, employed on sundry embassies by King Edward VI), grandson of Humphrey Jennens of Edington Hall, in the county of Warwick, Esq., Lord of the Manor of Nether Whitacre in that county in 1680 and an eminent ironmaster of Birmingham. King William III was godfather to late Mr. Jennens. (From the Annual Register 1798)