Jennings of Haddonfield.org is the outcome of the Jennings Project, an effort to digitize the past, including the entire volume of the Jennings of Haddonfield published in 1967 by James Riley Jennings.
The digitization process provided an opportunity for a line-by-line review of the Jennings of Haddonfield content which exposed a need for further research and validation.
Revised Edition
Organized under the heading Revised Edition, the effort also included verifying previously published information from the sources, adding new research findings, and providing additional detail following the Genealogical Proof Standard. See the New Book Table of Contents here.
First Edition
The original Jennings of Haddonfield is available under First Edition. The digitized pages contain both facts and erroneous information about the Jennings family.
James, with the best intentions, compiled all that he found. However, he left the validation and verification of the sources to the following generations.
An unintentional outcome is the perpetuation of errors, now found on genealogical sites including Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org. See First Edition Table of Contents here.
The site’s Blog section provides research approaches, ancestor profiles, place, time and location details, disputations or controversies, non-lineal relations, and additional insights.