Section 10

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Records of Mark and His Son Jacob Mark, Henry and James’ Family Bible

The following several items in script are from the coffer handed down to the family of the compiler.  As will be noted, they are incomplete and in as state of disintegration, but have been plasticized for permanent preservation.

Mark Jennings Will 1833

At Trenton,

Mark Jennings – of the township of Deptford, County of Gloucester will dated August 18, 1833. Proved December 3, 1833. Leaving heirs, Mary his wife, Daughter Catherine Ann and other children whose names are not mentioned.

Jacob Mark Jennings Letter – Blackwood Town October 1849 (To Henry Jennings)

Jacob Jennings of the Town and County of Gloucester will dated October 18th 1813. Proved August 2, 1817. Leaving heirs son Joseph, Job, Issac, John, James, and Mark and Daughter Judith and Grandchildren John H Bispham, Thomas Bispham, Joseph Bispham, Elizabeth Bispham, Mary Bispham, Sarah Bispham, and Rachel Bispham.

Isaac Jennings of the Town and County of Gloucester will, dated October 8th 1758 Proved Jan 29th 1759. Leaving heirs his wife Judith  So. Jacob and Sarah Flanigan and Deborah Burrows his Daughters.

Henry Jennings of the City of Philadelphia will Dated June 27 1705. Proved April 23rd 1706. Before surrogate of Burlington leaving heirs Issac Jennings and Margaret, Daughter of Issac.

Judith Jennings of the township and County of Gloucester will Dated July 25th 1782. Proved May 39th 1785. Leaving heirs her son Jacob and daughter Rebecca Price  and Grandson Issac Jennings and Granddaughter Judith Jennings.

And as we now Believe fully that we are the heirs of Henry Jennings and I think it is a matter of importance of spareing no pains of making it appear not one only. But all of our Race to select it out and if you can ascertain who the Committee of Nashville is and inform us immediately who they are and what their name is and where they live so that we may direct a letter to them as to not get miscarried and our councilors will write immediately as they have taken it to get for one Share the same as one heirs if got and if not they get nothing and they are very anxious who these committees are and we hope that you will spare no Pains in this matter. We would send you a copy of William Jennings will but it the lawyer has got it at present. We should give you a copy of it and that convention in Nashville if we had seen the advertisement a little sooner we would of attended it . 

So I shall close with best respects to you all and likewise all our relatives joins me with the same. 

A word or two I have missed, I must inform you that I am married and I got a fine son 3 months old an and his name is Edward Dallas Jennings and Brother Isaac he would get get married by he can’t and we are both present at the composing of this note and we shall be happy and anxious to hear from you. By letter and direct  your letter either to him or me at Blackwood Town New Jersey 

Jacob M Jennings

Isaac lives with me now at present.

Are the nearest heirs of any that has been found as yet in the United States and he says there is but one link to make for us, that is to prove that the same Henry to be the son of Humphrey the uncle of said William.  Augustus in Conneticut writes to us that Humphrey had a son Henry and came to the US in 1677 6 mo 16th and I would…

Jacob Mark Jennings – Sicklerville May 1st 1876

To My Dear Cousin Henry Jennings, 

Thy letter dated Apriel 10th came welcome to hand and was happy to hear that you was all well and was very sorry that I had not written before but on the account of bad health with my wife, I have not been able to take her up to the City and she is now very poorly.  I wanted before I had written again to of taken her and had our pictures taken and forwarded them to the(e)  

We received thine in good condition and am very much oblige for thy kindness and as soon as my wife gets so she can go to the city we are a going and I will endeavour to send them to thee. 

All the rest of my family, with myself is in usual good health.  I must tell the(e) that Brother Jehu Jennings told me a few days ago he received (abbreviation) a letter from a man in Richmond that our family surely was the the rightful heirs of the English estate and the time would come that we could get it.  For my part I wish it would come soon, it would be very nice now.  

Now I will close by saying that the(e) will hear from me again as soon as i can conveniently do so and now my family join me in love to the(e) and thy family and remain ever your cozen and when ever it is convenient I want the(e) to write to me so farewell.

Direct thy letters to Sicklerville , Camden Couny N.J. 

As Before  Jacob M. Jennin

A Copy of the Family Register from the Family Bible in the possession of James Jennings
  1. Ann Jennings, the Daughter of Samuel Jennings and Elizabeth, his wife. Born February 8th 1796 at 8:00 o’ clock AM.}`
  2. Isaac Smith Jennings, the son of Samuel Jennings and Elizabeth, his wife.  Born October the 20th, 1799. at 8:00 o’clock AM.

  3. Samuel Jennings, the son of Samuel Jennings and Elizabeth his wife. Born September 1801, at 3 o’clock PM

  4. George H. Jennings the son of James and Elizabeth Jennings.  Born August 1st 1804 at 4 o’clock PM

  5. Jacob Jennings, son of James and Elizabeth Jennings,  Born June 28th 1806 at 12:00 o’clock AM.

  6. James Smith Jennings, son of James and Elizabeth Jennings, Born August the 4th 1808 at 10 o’clock PM

  7. Henrietta Jennings, Daughter of James and Elizabeth Jennings.  Born, May the 6th 1810 at 12 o’clock AM

  8. Henry Jennings, son of James and Elizabeth. Born August the 6th 1712 at 3:00 o’clock AM

  9. William Jennings, Son of James and Elizabeth Jennings, Born June 16th 1814 at 11 o’clock PM

  10. Mary E. Jennings, Daughter of James and Elizabeth Jennings. Born November, 14 1816 at 12 o’clock AM

  11. Sarah Jennings, Daughter of James and Elizabeth Jennings. Born March 10, 1819 at 5:00 PM